New Year, Real You: Breaking Free from Career Crossroads
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

New Year, Real You: Breaking Free from Career Crossroads

Here's the thing about New Year's resolutions – we set ourselves up for failure by focusing on surface-level changes instead of addressing what's really holding us back and having the patience to take small steps that get sustainable results. We make grand plans about hitting the gym five times a week or finally learning Spanish, but we shy away from the bigger questions.

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The Deeper Meaning Behind the Enneagram Symbol
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

The Deeper Meaning Behind the Enneagram Symbol

The Enneagram has gained immense popularity in recent years as a personality typing system, but its true depth goes far beyond nine personality types, and this embodies the coaching work I love doing and the personal journey I’m on.

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From Emotional Reactivity to Authenticity
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

From Emotional Reactivity to Authenticity

Authenticity isn't about always speaking your mind or letting your emotions run wild. It's about being true to your core values and acting in a way that aligns with a deeper version of yourself.

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The Best Life Coach in Edinburgh! 
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

The Best Life Coach in Edinburgh! 

Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that every aspect of my life is perfect since making that decision. Any coach who claims that is probably trying to sell you something. But what I can say is that building this career for myself, on my own terms, is one of my proudest achievements and one of the most rewarding things I've done. And helping my clients do this for themselves is something I really pride myself on.

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Overcoming limiting beliefs
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

Overcoming limiting beliefs

These beliefs manifest as self-sabotaging thoughts preventing us from reaching our highest potential. Limiting beliefs act like mental roadblocks, stunting our personal and professional development. They are the inner voices that tell us we are not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough to achieve our dreams and aspirations.

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Enneagram Type 8
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

Enneagram Type 8

The important thing to know about 8s is that beyond their hard exterior lies a vulnerable child who needed protection, understanding and unwavering loyalty. So if you want to get the best out of an 8, that’s what they need from you.

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Blocking Our Own Dreams
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

Blocking Our Own Dreams

But when I ask about their dreams for themselves, few have clarity and many start describing side steps or little wins instead of big leaps forward - even when the question is about their DREAMS! It's like we can’t let ourselves think freely about what the dream would even look like. We can’t see our endless possibilities because we’re so bogged down by our current reality.

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When Your Job Drains You: 3 Myths Debunked
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

When Your Job Drains You: 3 Myths Debunked

In my talks with countless individuals who feel drained and stuck in their jobs, I've noticed a recurring trio of reasons as to why they're apprehensive about seeking new horizons. However, if there's anything the world has taught us, especially post-COVID-19, it's that the traditional 9-to-5 job is evolving. And so should our perceptions.

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The Power of the Adult State
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

The Power of the Adult State

In today's post, we're exploring a concept called the 'Adult' state from Transactional Analysis and its potential to unlock meaningful change.

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Enneagram Type 7
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

Enneagram Type 7

While they can be all about the fun, 7s can also be very productive people who channel their enthusiasm into being busy at work, creating multiple options for their clients or the team to ensure satisfaction.

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More Affordable Coaching!
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

More Affordable Coaching!

I’ve realised I want my business coaching to be accessible to as many people as possible, which means offering a more affordable service.

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Enneagram Type 5
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

Enneagram Type 5

It’s not that they don’t care deeply, 5s can be very nurturing given the chance, but their focus is often distracted by the other demands of life which feel BIG & the false belief that they won’t have the resources to deal with whatever arises.

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Finding Personal Freedom
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

Finding Personal Freedom

All of my clients want the same thing. They want to feel a sense of freedom - liberated enough to take off their mask and be themselves, to stop towing the party line.

I'm often asked "How am I ever going to do this?". And I'm starting to see the patterns clearly enough that I could actually answer that question.

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The Right Way to do Things
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

The Right Way to do Things

The biggest light bulb moment of not just my career but probably my whole life has been finally realising that there is no such thing as the right way.

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Enneagram Type 4
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

Enneagram Type 4

Think Johnny Cash, Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan! Plus 90% of the world’s greatest movie directors! They see things differently to most of us & when they can express themselves & bring us into their world we ALL feel more connected to ourselves & each other - even if unified by shared pain, in there lies the inspiration for action.

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Enneagram Type 3
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

Enneagram Type 3

They’re talented chameleons who can shapeshift to present whatever the crowd is looking for - making them awesome at pitching & fun to be around at the Christmas party! But as with every Enneagram type, their strength is also their Achille’s heel.

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“Priorities” are a myth
Alice Thompson Alice Thompson

“Priorities” are a myth

Fulfilment, job satisfaction and a sense of purpose at work rely heavily on people having a sense of progress - which is readily available to those who know how to focus on the priority instead of falling victim to a scattered approach.

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