Enneagram Type 7

Ahh the “joy bomb” of the Enneagram! These fun-loving, pleasure-seeking, enthusiastic people really bring some light to the world. 🥳🎊

While they can be all about the fun, they can also be very productive people who channel their enthusiasm into being busy at work or in their community. 💃🤓📊

They tend not to put any brakes on themselves & can struggle with limitations being placed on them, which can make them seem scatty when they’re not doing so well. 🏃‍♀️⌛️🙃

Although 7s are the light-hearted, excitable personalities of the Enneagram the truth about this type is that they are also running from their anxiety. 🫣

It’s the deep, often unconscious fear that they may never find what they really want in life that creates this anxiety, so 7s cope with this in two ways:

•1) They want to try everything - food, experiences, people, products etc, so with classic Netflix syndrome (too much choice, not enough substance) they can end up resorting to settling for whatever seems like it will keep them distracted (from not knowing what it is that they really want).

•2) They try to occupy their minds at all times & want to make lots of plans for the future because this can (to some extent) keep their anxiety about life at bay.

The essential work for a 7 is to slow their mind down & tolerate the anxiety that arises by breathing through it & trusting that however uncomfortable it might be in the moment, it will pass as all things do. This work allows things to affect them more deeply so they can begin to find the truth, clarity & innovation that comes from having more authentic introspection & being more in touch with these natural, healthy instincts. 🧘

Anxiety is not necessarily bad. In fact, when it’s not an actual anxiety disorder, it’s a healthy response trying to call us to action & keep us safe! If we listen close enough it can be transformative.⛈️🌦️☀️

From this place of self-awareness and connectedness, 7s can then find their own internal guidance as well as the wider acceptance they actually long for. ✨

Now that’s the kind of fun-loving, self-aware, considerate friend EVERYONE wants to have! 🤩

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