Enneagram Type 2

Could you be a Type 2? I’d be remiss not to confess that I am a 2 😬

2s focus their attention on the relationships in their life. But that right there is where they trip themselves up - as we all need to “put our own life jacket on first”. 🤓 🦺

They don’t mean to be indirect or snappy when their needs aren’t being met 😔 They’re just exhausted from meeting the world's needs, and not having a sense of their own (or when they do, not knowing how to ask for others to meet them!). This can feel like hard work to someone who's just living their life around a 2, only to be met with frustration or quietly implied guilt!

When 2s are more evolved they become more able to switch off their antenna for the worlds needs so they can tend to themselves first, and rejoin the world with a full cup, ready to give and nurture without agenda 🥛♥️ 💪

#Enneagram1 #Enneagram2 #Enneagram3 #Enneagram4 #Enneagram5 #Enneagram6 #Enneagram7 #Enneagram8 #Enneagram9


“Priorities” are a myth


Enneagram Type 1