It’s me… Hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.
The Enneagram takes no prisoners. It isn’t interested in self pity or self aggrandising either…
.. It speaks plainly about each different personality type… our motivations, our core fears and desires and the tricks we play on ourselves 😯
It shows us that there is no “right” way to be, only different personality types which operate from and see things through completely different paradigms. 🤯 This has been a real game-changer for me - allowing me to trust my own conviction and stop looking for the “right” way to do things - the “right” perspective to operate from.
This is a big part of the support I’m able to offer my coaching clients. Whether it’s a business team I’m coaching, or an individual looking for support with their professional life or a way to find more fulfilment and purpose that connects them to themself again.
Every personality type (yes, even yours!) has patterns they get stuck in and we are often totally unaware of it, as 95% of our behaviour is unconscious habit 🧠
(brain facts are fun 🤓)
Even my most self-aware clients have found profound insights into themselves and their behaviours through our coaching work using the Enneagram as our guide. 🪄
Rather scarily, it shows us how we create a lot of our own fate by being asleep at the wheel 😴 and amazingly, it even has growth journeys baked in for people looking to do the work ✨
It’s profoundly changed the way I coach and I plan to post much more about it and the 9 personality types, so get ready for some real talk 💃 💪
#Enneagram #Coaching #RealTalk