The Enneagram of Personality
Which type do you think you could be?
The Enneagram goes much deeper than other personality models (such as Myers Briggs). Instead of focusing on how we behave in the world, the Enneagram focuses on what drives us, on why we do what we do. This can make it far more useful for understanding ourselves and how to work with those around us.
Where other models give us a box to belong to, the enneagram is an interconnected model of the human psyche that acknowledges that we are all, all 9 types at different moments in life. However, we do have a strong leaning towards one main type. We also have ‘subtypes’ and instincts within our main type that provide deeper insights into ourselves and our growth paths.
The word '“Enneagram” comes from the Greek words, ennea (meaning nine) and gram (meaning something written or drawn). It is a geometric nine-pointed symbol that has been used as a map of natural processes and human nature for thousands of years with the last 100 years seeing huge leaps in its evolution within the field of psychology. To me, the truly amazing thing about the Enneagram is that it has inbuilt guidance as to how you can move away from struggle and towards self-actualisation. It does this in a way that doesn’t cast unrealistic expectations on us and actually works with our personality type to help us observe and become aware of our personality patterns and consciously choose whether or not to continue to engage with that way of being. This incredible, ancient tool combined with our modern understanding of psychology gives us a beautifully complete and compassionate view of ourselves and others. I am only at the beginning of my enneagram journey, both in terms of my own development and how I can bring this tool into my professional life to support my clients. But you can expect more from me on the specific types and subtypes to help you identify your own combination over the coming months as I continue my own journey of self-discovery and my understanding of how this remarkable tool can work for us all.